Stay up to date with some of Brandon's latest performances, announcements, releases, and more.
New Position as Choral & Vocal Studies Director at Saddleback College
After nine years as the Director of Choral & Vocal Activities at Moorpark College, Brandon begins a new position at Saddleback College (Mission Viejo, CA) as the Choral & Vocal Studies Director. A champion of the performing arts, the college plans to build a $55M performing arts center to open by 2028.
VCCCD LGBTQIA+ Advocate Award Recipient
Brandon received the Ventura Country Community College District LGBTQIA+ Advocate Award, which recognizes the active contribution to a positive campus for LGBTQIA+ individuals through inclusive curriculum, expanding LGBTQIA+ research in their field, engaging in work to improve campus policies and climate, and going above and beyond to create a safe and inclusive environment for LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff.
Trilloquy - Interview
Brandon Elliott joins Garrett McQueen (55:00) to talk about Choral Arts Initiative's new album From Wilderness, the power of entrepreneurship, and his unique view of diversity.
PREMIERE|Project Festival 2022
A one-of-a-kind festival hosted by Choral Arts Initiative, PREMIERE|Project Festival provides selected composers with a remarkable workshop/commission experience by offering in-depth seminars, mentoring sessions with renowned composers, and interactive rehearsals. The premiere for these new compositions will be July 1st, 2022 at Concordia University Irvine.
Brandon named the Louis Botto Recipient
On April 4, 2022, Brandon was named as the recipient of the Louis Botto Award for Innovative Action and Entrepreneurial Zeal from Chorus America! More information about the award and Brandon's nomination/win can be found in the Chorus America press release below.